小大人椅的size 有点特别。 它既属于小大人,也属于大小孩。 枝芽发现,当大人们陪伴孩子玩耍,想要“平起平坐”地沟通交流时,很少有家具能满足这样长时间的陪伴。成人座椅对于孩子而言太高,不能自由地使用,儿童座椅对于大人而言又太小,不宜久坐。我们适当调整了普通儿童座椅的高度和坐深,使得小大人椅在满足孩子正常使用的同时,也能长时间提供给大人舒适的坐感。 枝芽想通过小大人椅的设计,让相互陪伴的亲子时光能够更久一些。
Little Somebody Chair has a special size. It belongs to both kidults and little big man. Ziia found that when adults accompany their children and communicate equally, few furniture can satisfy such a long time companionship. Adult seats are too high for children to use freely and child seats are too small for adults to sit for long. We appropriately adjusted the height and depth of the ordinary child seat. Thus, while satisfying the normal use of the child, the Little Somebody Chair can provide adults with a comfortable experience during a long-time-sitting. We hope to make the time of parent-child companionship longer through Little Somebody Chair.