1. 实现整体家居风格情景变奏体验
2. 实现单体家具互联互通的系统灯光控制
3. 实现多种科技创新材料(合金铝、烟熏木、陶瓷片)极窄高精密智造 “睿”系列是对“极简生活美学”的致敬。是诺亚·宽度创造的标志性产品,该系列强调理性与功能,重视家具、环境与使用者之间的交流与互动。外部极致、纯净的物理空间和内在纯粹与品质的生活理念,让舒适家居空间已不仅局限在家具产品本身,而是更深入到现代家居生活方式的研究当中,以个性独立和勇于创新的跨界思维,创造一个全方位,高品质的现代家居空间。
1. Realize the experience of changing the whole home style scene.
2. The system light control to realize the interconnection of single furniture.
3. Realize narrow and high-precision intelligent manufacturing of a variety of scientific and technological innovative materials (alloy aluminum, smoked wood, ceramic chips) "Rui" series is a tribute to "minimalist life aesthetics". It is a landmark product created by Noah widthe series, which emphasizes rationality and function, communication and interaction among furniture, environment and users. The external extreme, pure physical space and the internal pure and quality of life concept make the comfortable home space not only limited in the furniture product itself, but also go deeper into the research of modern home life style, and create a comprehensive, high-quality modern home space with independent personality and innovative cross-border thinking.