
产品:GEM 体验茶器



GEM 是一套紫砂材质的体验茶具,灵感有得于中国传统茶道。GEM 在延续了HEI 的功能点的同时在造型加入了几何元素,使整体造型增添棱角分明之感。紫砂颜色成熟稳重,茶器放置平稳,出水口过渡自然,流水畅快,轻松享受茶香的芬芳。

Project GEM is inspired by ancient Chinese Tea Ceremony. We redesigned tea drinking and infusion process, made it adaptable by modern life. GEM tea set is an extension of experience tea ceremony, we keep the function of HEI while shaping its geometry design, which enables tea lovers enjoying best tea with minimal skill.