


Pamela is an expert at international fashion trends, the chief designer of BellaHome, the bachelor in textile design of University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, and studied interior Design at Rhode Island School of Design.

在家纺布艺设计领域有超过30年的经验,对色彩、花型和纹理有执着的追求,对流行趋势,色彩,提花设计有独特见解。曾为Victor Group, Quaker Fabric Corporation和 Guilford of Maine/True Textiles 等公司做首席设计。

With over 30 years’ experience of working in the textile and fabric design field, Pamela has consistent pursuit of colors, patterns and texture and unique insights into fashion trends, colors and jacquard designs. Pamela once acted as chief designer in Victor Group, Quaker Fabric Corporation and Guilford of Maine/True Textiles.